Restore your marriage by reconnecting with God.
Author and licensed counselor, Mandy Renteria,’ guides you through taking your marriage from hopeless to hope-filled, through forgiving the unforgiveable, and through living in full submission to God.
Available Here!

Welcome, beloved friends!
You are dearly loved and uniquely designed! This space has been created for deeper spiritual growth, being open to tough challenges, iron sharpening, and walking on water through stormy seas. If you have waded through life and landed here, I have prayed for you, and God may be calling you to something BIG! This is my professional, personal, artsy, faith-filled career, blog, inspirational space to welcome you into dreaming into the life God has called you to!

My Brief Marriage Testimony:
I am so passionate about helping broken marriages find restoration and healing. I know from experience, the road is hard and easier said than done, but it is worth it! To give a brief testimony, my husband and I blissfully ran down the aisle - we were just absolutely crazy in love! It wasn't too far into our marriage, my husband relapsed and our marriage took a hard turn spiraling out of control. We went through seasons of love, anger, bitterness, feeling like mere roommates tag teaming in and out with work, house, bills and kid responsibilities.
Do you ever feel just stuck in your marriage, like you just wake up thinking, "How on earth did we get here? Do I even like him anymore? How do we fix this - or can we ever get back to where we used to be?"
Oh girl, if you relate to any of those questions, I got you! Subscribe to my page and follow me for marriage tips, restoration guidance and blogs that will make you laugh, and sometimes make you cry. You've got this. Your life and your marriage are worth saving.

The Scoop

Here's what you can expect to find here:
*Tangible tools, professional guidance, and inspiration for how to overcome anxiety, depression, and many of life's trials in navigating individual, marriage and family issues.
*Bucket-fulls of Scripture and Godly inspiration to provide you with the resources and inspiration you need to take action steps towards a life of peace in Christ Jesus our Lord.
*Raw, bold, unapologetic, radical faith-based blogs of my writings as the Lord leads me to offer stories of my life, inspirations He gives me, and words He speaks to me.
If you are ready for this life of radical, earth shaking, life-altering faith, join me! Subscribe at the bottom of my page to stay up to date on new blogs, info, and events to come!

Wonder Women
Radical Faith Moves Mountains
Anxiety. Depression. Fear. Anger. Addiction. Tragedy. Hopelessness. These mountains feel like brick walls we will never move. Do you ever wish the fairy tales would just come true, or the superhero stories were reality?
I can easily be described as eccentric, loud and extremely passionate, and I have learned to take them all as a genuine compliment. I believe in wonder and miracles. I dream big. My heart pounds wildly. I feel deeply. I fail miserably. I love passionately. I defend fiercely. In all of it, my faith has been ignited like wildfire.
My faith journey has been quite an interesting ride that led me to making a decision with God that whatever trials or pain I suffered through would not go to waste, but would be used to spread His glory to others and make the devil regret the day he ever chose to test this girl! The Holy Spirit set a fire ablaze inside of me, and there is no turning back from it! This fire is what brought about the name I prayerfully chose to use for my ministry as I pursue writing and speaking for the Kingdom of God, "Wonder Women Jesus Chics."
I hope and pray you will join me in my vision of being a "Wonder Woman Jesus Chic" today. Together we will create an army of wonder women for our Savior, smoking out the enemy underneath our feet! We, as daughters of the One True King, are called to stand in the gaps, to fight for our friends, our families, our husbands, our children, our widows, our orphans, our nations! We must stand in the gaps by joining hands in prayer across our nation, our states, our counties, our cities, our zip codes, our neighborhoods, schools, daycares, churches, and it starts in our very own homes. Will you commit to praying with me and fighting the greatest battle ever known, the battle of spiritual warfare amongst our people and our land? Let's step out of the boat, and hold hands with our sisters in faith, walking on water with our eyes fixed on Jesus.

This is ME!
Behind the Words
I have many hats and many names, as I’m sure you all do! So in a nutshell, I am Mandy - by my friends; Mija - by my adoring hubby; Smom - by my step-daughter; Mom/Mama/Mommy/MOM - by my three precious God gifted children; MB - by my Dad; Nerdwad - if you have a brother, you probably already figured out this nickname came from mine!
Then my favorites: Beloved, Redeemed, Cleansed, Precious, Chosen, Called, Holy, Pure, Blameless, Worthy, Daughter of the King - by my Abba Father, Jesus Christ.
I am a daughter, sister, cousin, niece, friend, wife, step-mom, mother, counselor, homeschool Mom, homeschool tutor, blogger, and a Jesus loving, horse/farm animal-loving woman - writer, aspiring to be published author and speaker to inspire sisters in faith to stand together crushing the enemy underneath our feet and giving God victory in our lives!